Have Questions For Me?
If you have any questions or comments, or are simply interested in learning more about me then feel free to email me at:
honestlyfitness (at) live (dot) com
Otherwise, feel free to visit my Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages and say ‘Hi’ to me there!
Looking to Partner With Me?
Please contact me at alice (at) honestlyfitness (dot) com.
Honestly Fitness is always open to collaborating with brands that match our values as well as inquiries from the media – in particular from local brands within Salt Lake City & Utah. However, all views will remain my own honest and unbiased opinions and requests will only be accepted if I deem them to be a good fit for Honestly Fitness and my readers. Please ensure that your request has a clear subject line and I will do my best to return your email ASAP.
I am available for:
- Freelance writing (see my work on DailyBurn and NBC News BETTER).
- Recipe Development.
- Food Photography and Styling.
- Brand ambassadorships/Brand spokesperson.
- Expert commentary for your health and/or fitness story, radio or TV segment.
- Local/National TV appearances.
- Podcast or radio segments.
- Media and Digital PR consultancy (a sample of earned coverage is available on request).
- Social Media consultancy.
- Digital Marketing consultancy.
I am also open to receiving press releases about interesting products and news related to the health and fitness industry. I am VERY picky about what I cover but occasionally something catches my eye and I pitch it to an editor (or write about it on Honestly Fitness).
Honestly Fitness Has Been Featured On:

- I was on Good Things Utah, an ABC4 lifestyle show, to make my almond flour bread.
- I appeared on Good Things Utah, an ABC4 lifestyle show, a second time to make my healthy stuffed mushrooms.
- Here is a radio segment I did with Mix 105.1 talking about all things health and fitness.
- Here is a recorded interview I did with the lovely Katie of Hint of Lavender.
The following are several brands that Honestly Fitness has collaborated with:
Thank you for your interest and please come back soon!
Hi Kayla!
Which bosu ball should I buy? Pro (65) or Sport (55)?
Thanx Elena
Hey Elena,
Hmm, good question. It comes down to your budget and how much you will use it! If you think you will use the bosu intensively and can spare the cash, go with the pro. If you are on a tight budget and will only be using the bosu ball for the BBG, buy the sport.
My name is Alice btw 😛
Hope this helps you xx
Thank you so much Alice!
Hi Alice!
I love your blog and I would really appreciate some advice on kayla’s fitness program 🙂 I’m currently doing the bbg 1.0 without the HELP nutrition guide, mostly because I’m afraid it will be hard to follow. I live in China, and there are only so many international supermarkets in Shanghai. Although my mom typically orders organic food to be sent to our place, I’m concerned that someone of Kayla’s meal plans will be impossible to re-create here. I’m also still in high school and it’s just not customary to be eating something different than the rest of my family at meals or fancy dinners.
My question is simply whether or not the H.E.L.P. guide made a bigger/quicker difference when you did the BBG with it than without. I stopped the BBG 1.0 after week 4 to redo it because there was hardly any improvement, and now I’m done with another 4 weeks and my abs (problem area) have pretty much not changed at all!
Sorry for the long comment and thank you so much!
Hi Rachel,
Thanks for the kind words. I am so happy you love Honestly Fitness! I don’t think the BBG will be too hard to follow in China as you can still get things like brown rice, lean meats and vegetables there. The only thing that might be an issue is dairy as I am not too sure how good China is about selling different types of dairy. Kayla’s meals are all easy to make and normal, nothing fancy and expensive.
Using the HELP guide with the BBG has definitely made more of a difference. I lost a lot of weight quite quickly and I have noticed that I have been looking leaner. Right now I am taking a week off BBG as I got injured, but I’ll be able to tell you more accurately how much it helped me when I finish the program. I would definitely recommend taking a look at what you are eating if you have seen hardly any improvement, especially in your abs. As they say, abs are made in the kitchen 😛
Hope this helps, and keep me updated on your progress!
Alice x
How much is a session with you?
Hi Kelsey, what do you mean exactly? My email is honestlyfitness@live.com xx
hi i was wondering if you have to buy both of kaylas books to get the results that you want or can you just buy her one workout book, follow it for the 12 weeks and still get the same results you were hoping for?
I’m only 16 so I can’t follow your meal plan. What should I do in order to get results by not eating the recommended food?
Hi Emma,
I do not have an official meal plan. Do you mean Kayla Itsines HELP guide?
I would recommend sticking to whole grains, lean proteins, and plenty of vegetables and fresh fruit!
Alice x
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