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Carbs are not the devil

January 28, 2014
Carbs are not the devil

It seems like everyday I hear someone demonizing carbs; “Yeah, today I’m not gonna eat any carbs” or even worse “I am on a low carb diet.” But guys, carbs are not the devil!

With the rise of diets that claim you can ‘lose weight fast!’ by reducing your carbohydrate intake, or dropping this macronutrient entirely, it is no wonder people automatically assume that you will lose weight if you cut your carbohydrate intake. And to be honest it works at first, because when you reduce how many carbohydrates you eat, your body reduces the amount of insulin produced which in turn makes your body use protein or fat as its energy source.

The Problem With Low-Carb Diets

The problem with this however, is that you cannot be on a life long low carbohydrate diet. Sure, it may work in the short term, but the body, and especially the brain, requires carbohydrates for energy. The brain cells ONLY use glucose as an energy source and because it cannot store glucose, they depend on the bloodstream to deliver glucose to it. Carbohydrates get broken down into glucose, so if you remove carbohydrates from your diet, how is your brain supposed to function? Protein gets broken down into glycogen, and fats get broken down into glycerol and fatty acids, but they are nowhere near as efficient as glucose. I want a healthy and working brain thanks. There are many other dangers that can happen to you if you follow a low carb diet for you long such as

-feeling extremely tired all the time
-loss of muscle mass because you just don’t have the energy to workout
-constipation and bowel issues (from a reduction in fiber)
-longer term health issues such as your immune system becoming weaker

Carbs are not the devil

Carbs are not the devil

It is really not worth it. Seriously, I went on a verrry low carbohydrate diet last year and although I lost a lot of weight, I was tired all the time, and honestly it put me through a really hard time as I gained most of the weight back plus some (which thankfully I have lost through a HEALTHY and BALANCED diet!). I tried going back on my low carb diet at first, exercised like crazy but literally nothing worked because my body was so used to not having carbohydrates that even though I was eating completely healthy foods, I could not lose the weight. It seriously freaked me out because I have never had so much trouble losing weight in my life. My body had adapted to having such a low amount of carbs, that even eating a normal amount of carbohydrates would make me gain weight.

What We Should Be Focusing On

If anything we should really be more focused on cutting our sugar consumption, and not just the obvious things like chocolate and soft drinks like coke. You would be so surprised at how much added sugars are in such innocent products. An example would be ketchup, it is practically all sugar! And I am talking about sugars such as sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, beet sugar, cane sugar, and liquid fructose. Although fruits are very healthy, unfortunately a lot of companies have been adding fructose (fruit sugar) to products to make them sweeter. If you want a more in-depth explanation about how bad added sugar (not naturally occurring sugars, I am not trying to demonize anything natural) can be for you, click here.

My Advice?

Just be sensible everyone and realize that carbs are not the devil; nor is any other macronutrient. There is no need to completely cut out any food group. Balance is the key. And sure, you can still enjoy your guilty pleasures too, just make sure that they aren’t an everyday occurrence. And again, if you eat too many carbohydrates then you may gain weight. But quite frankly, if you eat too much of anything, there is a high chance you will gain weight. Calories are calories, although not all calories are created equal (give me 300 calories of shrimp over 300 calories of non-nutritious rice cakes any day).

Let Me Know What YOU Think

What diets have you heard about? I would love to hear what they are, as I am always discovering weirder and weirder ones .. someone told me about a 500 calorie diet a day and I just about died.

Honestly yours,

The Hidden Dangers of a Low Carbohydrate Diet
Low Carbohydrate Diets: Going Against The Grain

Health, Products I love

Nikki’s Coconut Butter

January 23, 2014
Nikki's Coconut Butter review

Yes, you heard me right. Not peanut butter, not almond or cashew butter …. COCONUT BUTTER!!!

Nikki’s Coconut Butter

Nikki's Coconut Butter review

I first heard about Nikki’s coconut butter a few months ago whilst casually surfing the ‘net, and have wanted to try it ever since. I am a huge fan of everything coconut, so I was pretty sure I would like the product. Their coconut butter is also soy free, gluten free, dairy free and egg free, making it perfect for someone with these intolerances. The hard part was actually deciding what flavor to get.

They have 5 flavors:

-Pumpkin Spiced Donut
-Macadamia Nut Cookie
-Vanilla Cake Batter
-Chocolate Hazelnut Brownie
-Honey Pecan Pie

Yeah, they all sound amazing right? After hours of arduous decision making (kidding), I finally chose to get the pumpkin spiced donut. And I am glad I did. IT IS AMAZING. The consistency is definitely not what I expected though. I was expecting a creamy and smooth product, sort of like how you would imagine peanut butter. But it is actually quite hard, although honestly that does not bother me much at all. And you could also microwave some of the butter or heat it up in a pan to make it creamier and more spreadable. I have taken to just eating it straight out of the jar with a spoon hehe, but you can use it on bread, crackers, in smoothies, and in a variety of desserts (which is something I really want to test it with!!).

Nikki's Coconut Butter review

As you can see it didn’t take long for me to start eating …

As with all things though, even though this is a healthy product, it doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you want of it. It is relatively high in calories and fat, so make it work for how much food/calories you need a day. Overeating on something healthy is still overeating, so be sensible. I find that eating desserts with wholesome ingredients such as Nikki’s Coconut Butter makes it easier to stop because it does not have all the same nasty chemicals and preservatives in a lot of processed and junk foods which make you crave them. The only bad thing about them is that they only currently ship within the US and to Canada, but hopefully they will be able to ship worldwide soon enough!

Nikki's Coconut Butter review

Have any of you tried Nikki’s Coconut Butter? Let me know by commenting below!

Honestly yours,

Disclaimer: I was not paid to advertise this product, I like this product very much and wanted to share it all with you since I am always on the lookout for awesome new and healthy products 🙂

Blogs I love, Fitness, Health

Sunday summary

January 19, 2014

I feel as if I have accomplished so much this past week. I officially launched Honestly Fitness on Tuesday, January 14th, have received over 798 hits and gained 306 likes on Honestly Fitness’ Facebook page.


Wow!! Thank you all so much, I could never have expected such an amazing response, and I all it all to YOU, my wonderful followers!! I have received really supportive and positive comments all around, and I am so happy you are all enjoying the blog posts. That is my goal, to create a blog where people are genuinely excited for the next post to come up and as a way to learn new things about health and fitness. And please, let me know what you would like to see next! I have many idea’s for future posts but I want to know that I am blogging about things you guys want to know about.

I just wanted to end this fantastic week with a health and fitness mention, sort of like a ‘This week I am loving …’ post.

The Green Post

I recently discovered and really love how their approach to health and lifestyle is focused on educating people on a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. It is such a breath of fresh air to find someone else who is focused on the long-term as opposed to quick fixes and short-term changes that will get you nowhere. Although The Green Post is still fairly new, they already have many interesting articles and delicious looking recipes posted! I tried their Butter nut and Lavender Apple pancake recipe and it was AMAZING!! The fact that it still tasted so sweet with only apple sauce as the sweetener was fabulous, and the lavender was a refreshing touch to them. A very original recipe that I recommend you all try!

Yummmmmy! I actually made 3 pancakes but the 3rd one was not photo worthy .. pancake flip fail shall we say ;P

So there you have it for this weeks recap! I am so excited to see how Honestly Fitness grows over the coming few months and eager to share most posts and video’s with you all. I have had so many idea’s locked up in my mind and it is incredibly to be able to finally share them all with you. I also want to mention that I recently created a Pinterest page, so please check it out when you have the chance.

Honestly yours,