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Health, Recipes

A Perfect Day Of Whole30 Recipes

September 1, 2019

While I am not following the Whole30 diet, I have plenty of friends who do, which has made me intimately familiar with it (plus I read the Whole30 diet book). With a new month around the corner, I thought it’d be fun to share some of my favorite recipes, which happen to be approved Whole30 recipes! If you’re stuck on what new recipes to try, you’ll appreciate this planned out day of Whole30 recipes for you. Continue Reading…


Is Organic Food Better For You?

August 26, 2019

What’s the deal with organic food? Is organic food better for you? Is it worth the cost? Recently, there was quite an uproar about a certain high-fiber food which erupted on Instagram, which called into question a bigger discussion on organic foods. Additionally, over the years, I’ve read a multitude of articles and listened to a variety of opinions on organic food, yet I’ve always wondered – is organic food really that great?

Given my mission statement of straightening out the facts, I was determined to find out whether or not organic foods are actually better for you or not, or if we’ve fallen prey to clever marketing, and a lack of consensus from experts. Continue Reading…


Does Health Insurance Cover Weight-Loss Treatments?

August 24, 2019

The weight of the average American has been a concern for several years. The Center of Disease Control (CDC) estimates over 70 percent of American adults are overweight. On top of that, over 36 percent are obese.

Unfortunately, many American children are overweight as well. The CDC estimates almost 10 percent of children in the two- to five-year-old age range are obese. About 20 percent of children between the ages of 6 to 11 are obese and over 20 percent of children between the ages of 12-19 are also obese. Continue Reading…