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Kayla Itsines Round 2 – Week 9 BBG

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Kayla Itsines Round 2 – Week 9

November 30, 2014
Kayla Itsines Round 2 - Week 9

Happy Sunday night to those in California! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and a wonderful Thanksgiving for all those who celebrated. I had such a wonderful couple of days and I am sad that they are over but thankful that they happened. My lovely boyfriend flew in from Salt Lake City on Wednesday night and we drove down to the Central Valley and spend the next few days visiting his family (mine are all in Thailand) and generally having a good time. We did some shopping, saw the new Hunger Games movie and ate lots of good food. I made my first pecan pie last night and it turned out really well although the top was a bit too brown.

Kayla Itsines Round 2 – Week 9

So, Kayla Itsines really kicks it up a notch with the workouts for week 9 of the bikini body guide. Like, it was kind of ridiculous and I only managed about 1 to 1 and a half round of the arms and legs workouts. The ab workout was comparatively easy and I managed 2 rounds of those exercises. What did I personally find hardest about the workouts? Definitely the crazy amount of plyometric moves in the leg workout and all of the push ups and mountain climber AND push up combos in the arm workout. Basically sobbed my way through the arm and leg workouts haha.

Did a 15 minute sprint HIIT workout in addition to some fast walking and was absolutely dripping in sweat. I am happy to report that although my foot was a little sore afterwards, it seems to have completely healed now. Woo hoo!

Kayla Itsines Round 2 - Week 9

Kayla Itsines Round 2 - Week 9

Feeling much more confident and strong 🙂


Hehe, sooooo Thanksgiving isn’t really a conducive environment for the most stellar nutrition. The first half of the week was fine but I definitely indulged a lot from Thursday to Sunday. But I do not mind; as you all know, my mantra is about being balanced and happy. I know that for the most part that I eat very well and mindfully so a few indulgent dinners will not hurt. All of the desserts were so good. For Thanksgiving dinner, we went to a very fancy restaurant and I had a huge lamb dish and shared some appetizers and dessert with my boyfriend and his dad. The next day we had a huge sushi dinner and the following night we had a huge Thai meal. Ahh, food coma heaven 😉

For some examples of what I have been loving to eat, click here and here 🙂

Being Happy and Balanced is what counts

That’s all from me, a short and sweet post. Love you all and thank you again for reading and caring about Honestly Fitness 🙂

What did you do for Thanksgiving?

Honestly yours,

P.S. Don’t forget to check out my Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram page 🙂