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Friday Fare – Coconut Whipped Cream

January 31, 2014

Coconut Whipped Cream Recipe

I am so excited to share this weeks edition of Friday Fare with you and teach you all how to make Coconut Whipped Cream!! My post on ‘How to Kick your Sweet Tooth‘ got a huge amount of hits, so I am excited to share this healthy dessert that is sweet, delicious, and not something to feel bad about eating. Again, it is all about balance so don’t go nuts and eat the whole bowl! But if you do …. hey, it won’t be that bad 😉 This coconut whipped cream recipe was taught to me by my boyfriends aunt, who happens to be sugar-free and gluten-free. It took me a while to understand how to make it, what to make it with, but I finally cracked it! It took me a while because you need to specifically get coconut cream, plus you need to chill it overnight.

Here are the ingredients.


As I previously said, you need Coconut Cream (NOT coconut milk, or light coconut cream, you need the hard full fat stuff), liquid stevia, and vanilla essence. I want to add that it is really worth it to buy a more expensive vanilla essence and liquid stevia as they really make a difference to the taste of the coconut whipped cream. Optional ingredients are unsweetened cocoa powder (I used this as the coconut taste was too strong for my liking), or another flavoring. You will also need an electric hand mixer. These are very cheap, I got mine at Target for only $6! It is not the best, but it does the job (a little bit more slowly though).

1. This first step is CRUCIAL. You must refrigerate your can of coconut cream overnight so that it stiffens up. This is what it should look like when you scoop it out of a can (if it looks more solid that is fine too).

photo 1

2. Once your coconut cream has been chilled overnight, open it up and scoop out the contents into a big bowl. make sure there is no liquid remaining because then this recipe will not work.

3. Start whisking away with your hand mixer for about 3-5 minutes until it takes on a thicker and more whipped consistency

photo 2

photo 3

4. Add a teaspoon of vanilla essence and 10 drops of liquid stevia. Continue whisking for another minute or so. Continually taste it and adjust it to how sweet you want it.

Ta-da! And there you have it! A delicious and easy way to make a healthy whipped cream 🙂 As you can see in the photo below, I added 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa because the coconut taste was a little too strong.

photo 4

The nutritional content is variable upon the type of coconut cream you use and if you use unsweetened cocoa. The following nutritional values are for the whole bowl of coconut whipped cream, so don’t be alarmed at the numbers … just try not to eat the whole bowl 😉

Calories: 700
Carbohydrates: 9g
Sugar: 0g (sugar free, yay!)
Fat: 71g
Protein: 6.5g
Fiber: 0g

Let me know what you think of my coconut whipped cream recipe! For next week I am thinking of making something like a sugarfree (but delicious) cookie or cupcake to put the whipped cream on top of … mmmmmm.

Honestly yours,

Blogs I love, Fitness, Health

Sunday summary

January 19, 2014

I feel as if I have accomplished so much this past week. I officially launched Honestly Fitness on Tuesday, January 14th, have received over 798 hits and gained 306 likes on Honestly Fitness’ Facebook page.


Wow!! Thank you all so much, I could never have expected such an amazing response, and I all it all to YOU, my wonderful followers!! I have received really supportive and positive comments all around, and I am so happy you are all enjoying the blog posts. That is my goal, to create a blog where people are genuinely excited for the next post to come up and as a way to learn new things about health and fitness. And please, let me know what you would like to see next! I have many idea’s for future posts but I want to know that I am blogging about things you guys want to know about.

I just wanted to end this fantastic week with a health and fitness mention, sort of like a ‘This week I am loving …’ post.

The Green Post

I recently discovered and really love how their approach to health and lifestyle is focused on educating people on a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. It is such a breath of fresh air to find someone else who is focused on the long-term as opposed to quick fixes and short-term changes that will get you nowhere. Although The Green Post is still fairly new, they already have many interesting articles and delicious looking recipes posted! I tried their Butter nut and Lavender Apple pancake recipe and it was AMAZING!! The fact that it still tasted so sweet with only apple sauce as the sweetener was fabulous, and the lavender was a refreshing touch to them. A very original recipe that I recommend you all try!

Yummmmmy! I actually made 3 pancakes but the 3rd one was not photo worthy .. pancake flip fail shall we say ;P

So there you have it for this weeks recap! I am so excited to see how Honestly Fitness grows over the coming few months and eager to share most posts and video’s with you all. I have had so many idea’s locked up in my mind and it is incredibly to be able to finally share them all with you. I also want to mention that I recently created a Pinterest page, so please check it out when you have the chance.

Honestly yours,