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Friday Fare, Health, Products I love

The End of Summer Smoothie Bowl

September 8, 2015

Although I know it’s September, I was still in such a summery mood until literally 2 days ago. I threw on my usual top and shorts and headed out of the door to my car … only to be caught completely off guard by how cold I was!! The sun was shining but the air was distinctly colder. I don’t know why it caught me off guard as I did – perhaps I am trying to be willfully ignorant of the fact that fall and winter are fast approaching, with this year’s winter predicted to be cold and miserable.

I realized that soon I would be craving warm foods again like soups, pho and oatmeal bowls, and that I needed to make a smoothie bowl ASAP before the it started to sound unappealing. Hence the creation of this lovely and berry filled summer smoothie bowl! It’s really a mix of everything – bananas for sweetness; cherries, strawberries and raspberries for that low(er) sugar berry goodness and beautiful color. I recently switched to having cashew milk because I find it is much creamier and pleasant tasting that your standard almond milk. I prefer to have a dairy-free milk in my smoothies to keep the overall caloric content lower. I was also sent a few samples of Kura Lifestyle’s Sweet Mint and Berries, which is a healthy and tasty addition to this smoothie! It is composed of super greens, camu camu and eleuthro root so it really adds in a superfood punch to the smoothie.   Continue Reading…

Fitness, Health, Products I love

A Healthier Strawberries and Cream with Zing

September 2, 2015

As most of you know, or have seen from social media, I have a big sweet tooth. More often than not, I will indulge in small amounts of sweet treats. However, I have been indulging a bit too often recently and I really needed to cut down on the amount of indulgences I was having. Cue a slightly sad Alice who immediately starting thinking of ways I could have something sweet that wouldn’t affect my current fitness and fat loss goals.

Born Sweet™® Zing™ Zero Calorie Stevia Sweetener

Want to know what’s AmaZING? The moment you find a perfect sweet taste without a funny aftertaste, and zero calories! Enter, Zing™ Zero Calorie Stevia Sweetener which as the name states is a zero calorie stevia sweetener. I am not normally one to use low or zero calorie sweeteners as they often have a really bizarre aftertaste but true to their statement, Zing™ did not have that funny taste aftertaste – finally! Continue Reading…

Blogs I love, Health, Products I love

The Skinny Confidential Nutrition Guide Review

July 18, 2015

A few weeks ago, I was chosen by Lauryn Evarts, of The Skinny Confidential blog, to try out her new TSC Nutrition Guide. I have been trying out recipes from it here and there and thought it was high time I should write a blog post about the Skinny Confidential Nutrition Guide.

Details on TSC Nutrition Guide

review of the skinny confidential nutrition guide

For those of you who are thinking “huh?”, The Skinny Confidential is a lifestyle blog and Lauryn Evarts is the brains behind it. She created ‘The Skinny Confidential Bombshell Body Guides‘ (TSC Guides) which includes a workout guide and a nutrition guide. It is set up in an interesting way where you essentially sign up for a subscription plan which gives you access to different content. You can choose from a one month ‘pinkscription’ subscription or the Bombshell Body Guide Plan. The big difference between the monthly subscription and the Bombshell Body Plan is that you get access to The Skinny Confidential’s 28 week fitness and nutrition guide (and I tried out the Skinny Confidential Nutrition Guide)! With the ‘pinkscription’, you get healthy recipes and targeted workouts but not the full plan. Continue Reading…