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baked zucchini fritter

Friday Fare, Health

Baked Zucchini Fritters

May 9, 2018

Let me start off by saying that I have been obsessed with making baked zucchini fritters lately. I first started making them after seeing both Kayla Itsines’ recipe and Whitney’s (from LiveandDiet.com) take on zucchini fritters.

The baked zucchini fritter recipe I am sharing with you today has been inspired by these two ladies, with my own twist on it. Instead of using coconut flour or whole-wheat flour, and instead of frying them, I used almond flour (making these fritters gluten-free friendly) and I baked them. However, if you do not have celiac’s disease, you can use Kodiak Cakes all purpose flour to kick the protein up a notch. 

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