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How to stay healthy during Thanksgiving

November 22, 2015

Source: Saveur

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is this Thursday? I know everyone says this, but time really does fly, and it goes by faster and faster every year. I only started celebrating Thanksgiving a few years ago when I moved to the US but I love it – it has such a wonderful message behind it and I always anticipate the food. I am not a huge turkey fan but I love typical Thanksgiving desserts such as pumpkin pie and pecan pie. 

Staying healthy over Thanksgiving is something everyone struggles with, whether you’re a Hollywood celebrity or a college student. It’s difficult not to overeat when so much food is present. While it is unrealistic for me to tell you to avoid eating anything fatty or sugary, it is realistic for me to share these easy ways you can stay healthy during Thanksgiving.  Continue Reading…

Fitness, Health, Products I love

This is why you Need a Standing Desk

November 15, 2015

I’ve been working really hard on walking more and sitting for shorter periods of time. Sitting in general is not bad for you but so many of us sit for hours at a time and as a people, we have become much more sedentary. This video does a fantastic job of explaining why sitting for long periods of time is such a burden on our bodies.

As someone with a regular 9-5, I find myself sitting for hours at a time without even meaning to – I can just sometimes get really engrossed with what I am doing. I have been using a fitness tracker for the past few weeks (which I can’t discuss until next week so stay tuned) and it has been a huge eye opener into how much I am moving. When I first started using it, I would notice that sometimes I would only take 3,000 steps a day. Umm, what the heck! It is recommended to take approximately 7,000-10,000 steps a day and I obviously came nowhere near that. Continue Reading…

Friday Fare, Health

Baked Apple with Healthy Peanut Butter Chocolate Sauce

October 28, 2015

Now that winter is almost here, my cravings for chocolate and warm foods are slowly creeping back. Apart from a few foods, I feel as if my cravings are very seasonal (is anyone else like that)? Salt Lake City can get really, really cold and so I am pretty sure my chocolate cravings are going to go through the roof soon. As such, I was really excited to try out Peanut Butter & Co’s new Mighty Nut, which is a powdered peanut butter. I am absolutely obsessed with Peanut Butter & Co’s delicious peanut butters (particularly the dark chocolate one hehe) so I thought it was really cool that they came out with their first powdered peanut butter.

Baked Apple with Healthy Peanut Butter Chocolate Sauce

I received the original and chocolate flavored Mighty Nuts, and decided I wanted to share with you all a really fun and easy dessert using Mighty Nut. I present to you, baked apple with healthy peanut butter chocolate sauce! Continue Reading…