
Full 12-Week Fit Body Guides (FBG) Review

January 12, 2017

A couple months ago, I wrote a review on the first 4-weeks of my experience with the Fit Body Guides by Anna Victoria. I finished the guides two weeks ago and thought it was time to write a full review for anyone of you interested in the guides or those looking for more information before you buy it. So without further ado, here is my full 12-week Fit Body Guides (FBG) review!

My Honest THoughts on the Fit Body Guides (FBG)

The Fit Body Guide is a 12-week workout plan designed by Anna Victoria that helps you lose fat and tone up. It costs $49.95 (you can buy it here and enter my code, honestlyfitness, for a 10% discount) and gives you access to a PDF of the guide which lets you access the guide from any of your devices. It’s a highly effective plan which helped me achieve my goal of getting fit for my holiday to Thailand at the end of December 2016. 

How the FBG Plan Works

The guide is split into three phases, which I discussed in my previous 4-week review, but will repeat here. Each phase last 4 weeks. Every week, you are given 3-strength training workouts and 3 cardio sessions + ab workouts to complete. Unlike Kayla Itsines bikini body guide (BBG), the FBG circuits are not timed. Instead, you have 3 sets of 3 different exercises, where you complete a certain number of reps for each exercise. It takes me anywhere from 25-38 minutes depending on rest time between each set. Each cardio session is 30 minutes long throughout each phase. The ab workouts, which you do on cardio day, are 2 sets of 3 different ab exercises. My core is definitely my weakest body part so these sessions take me anywhere from 15-20 minutes. Feel the buuuuurn.

  • During phase 1, the first 4 weeks, you do LISS (low intensity steady state) cardio
  • During phase 2, weeks 5-8, you do MISS (medium intensity state) cardio
  • During phase 3, the last phase and weeks 9-12, you do HIIT (high intensity interval training) cardio (I did boxing for my HIIT)

As a side note, Anna encourages you to warm up before every workout and also to cool down and stretch after each workout. And yes, there is a meal plan you can follow if you wish. Learn more about it here.

My 12-Week FBG Transformation

So, I said the plan is highly effective … does that mean I liked it and that it worked? Yes and yes! I thought the guides were really fun, and I enjoyed the variety of plyo exercises mixed in with more traditional strength exercises, which targeted the back and butt. Unlike other circuit training style guides which completely ignore the back and butt (which are extremely important areas to strengthen), the FBG included specific exercises to work them out such as glute bridges and rows.

I did not weight myself, because I don’t believe in judging your fitness transformation with the scale, and instead relied on how I felt and taking progress photos. Here are my 12-week front and back progress photos:


12-week progress photos using @annavictoria’s fit body guides (FBG)!! I’ll be posting back progress photos later too (PS, yes I am more tan on the right) 😬 Biggest lesson learned? You need to workout according to your goals 👌🏽 When I had started FBG, I wasn’t unhappy with my body by any means. However, Id been reverse dieting and not doing much cardio. Aka i felt a little fluffy 🙂 i knew I needed to do something which would help me cut some fat and continue to help me build muscle for my trip to Thailand! Enter the #FBG guides–I loved them because not only do they offer a fun, circuit-style workout, they also incorporate targeted strength workouts that workout your glutes and your back 💪🏼 I feel like I’ve definitely achieved my goal of reducing body fat, and have felt so comfortable in my bikinis during my time here in Thailand (some are really quite ridiculously small 😅)! I’m so thankful to the guides for helping me reach my goals and excited for a new challenge in 2017 (see my previous post) 🙌🏼

A photo posted by A L I C E (@honestlyfitness) on


BACK 12-week progress photos using @annavictoria’s fit body guides (#FBG) 😊 The second biggest fitness lesson I’ve gleaned from using the guides (and 2016 in general)? I freaking love working out my back and glutes. Love, love, love it–for both superficial and practical reasons too. • If your back muscles are neglected, then you’re more prone to injury. The muscles of the back help to keep you upright, and if the muscles are strong, they don’t fatigue as quickly ✅ + you should focus on strengthening your glutes because this can also help prevent back pain, knee pain and potentially help you with explosive exercises, such as squat jumps 👌🏽 What body part do you like working out the most? Tell me how you’re going about your fitness journey in 2017!! 😘😘 #transformationtuesday

A photo posted by A L I C E (@honestlyfitness) on

When I went to Thailand for my holiday, I felt SO happy, confident and strong in my skin. I wasn’t unhappy with my body beforehand but I was looking to lean out–I believe I achieved this goal 🙂

How You Can Be Successful Using the Fit Body Guides

I firmly believe that one of the ways I succeeded was by getting heavily involved with the FBG community on Instagram. It is really easy to connect with the community, who are made up of lovely, supportive women. Find them by posting on Instagram and hashtagging #FBG #fbggirls #fbgcommunity #fbgfamily and #fitbodyguides.

Alternatively, pay attention to the women who are liking and commenting on @annavictoria’s Instagram account. Follow them, comment on their photos and generally engage with them. Ask them for advice, support and motivate one another. You’d be surprised at how powerful having a supportive community can be in achieving fitness and health success.

Hopefully my review and transformation have encouraged you to try out the FBG guides. If you are looking to get lean and strong, then I definitely recommend trying out the Fit Body Guides. If you’re looking to build muscle specifically, then I suggest you try out the Progress Pure Curve Guide (also helped me lean out, to be honest) or the Ready to Lift Guide

Please share this review on social media (and on your blog if you have one) if it helped you! And as always, feel free to ask my anything–questions you have about the guide, anything you are confused about or want more details on.

Love you guys and thanks for all your support of me and my honest reviews over the years <3

Thank you for all of your support! For more Honestly Fitness, check out my InstagramFacebookTwitter & Pinterest and don’t forget to subscribe!

Disclaimer: I became affiliated with Anna Victoria in April 2017. This in no way, shape or form changes my original opinion of the guide or has influenced it since then.

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