Guys. YUM! I’ve been experimenting a lot with seasonal foods (think leeks, parsnip, swiss chard and etc) and I wanted to bring you all an easy, yet healthy and delicious spring time dinner. I tend to make breakfast and dessert recipes (like this cauliflower hash), so I’m really excited to introduce you to this wonderful grilled salmon with parsnip mash, sauteed leeks and asparagus.
Parsnip Mash: The Low Calorie Mash
To be honest, I’ve never been one for mashed potatoes but my husband LOVES them. We’ve experimented with a few different veggie mashes lately (which I’ll definitely post about later) and he loved this parsnip mash that I made. It was extremely creamy and satisfying – I promise you won’t even miss ‘real’ mashed potatoes. And the really good news? One cup of sliced parsnips are only 68 calories with 6.5g of fiber and 23g of carbs, compared to cup of sliced potatoes which has 116 calories, 3 grams of fiber and 26g of carbs.
This parsnip mash is fantastic paired with a variety of foods, and it worked really well when paired with grilled salmon, sauteed leeks and roast asparagus. This gives you a high protein dinner packed full of veggies that will keep you full and satisfied for hours.

Salmon with Parsnip Mash and Sauteed Leeks
- 2 Salmon Fillet s 5-6 oz
- 1 Parsnip
- 1 Leek
- 8-12 asparagus spears
- 1.5 tsp vegetable or chicken bouillon
- 1 Lemon sliced
- Olive oil
- Salt
- Pepper
- Optional: Cilantro
- Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees farenheit.
- Roughly slice the parsnip and boil in 2 cups of water for 15-20 minutes. Salt the water well and add 1.5tsp of bouillon.
- Get a baking tray and line with foil. Place asparagus on the tray (cut about 1 inch from the ends) and drizzle with oil and season with salt and pepper.
- Slice the lemon into thin strips.
- Place the salmon on the baking tray as well, drizzling with oil, seasoning with salt and pepper, and finally placing the lemon strips on top of the salmon.
- Place the salmon and asparagus in the oven for 20-25 minutes (check after 15 minutes because depending on the size of your asparagus, it may be finished sooner than the salmon).
- In the meantime, cut the leek in half, length-wise, and then cut into half-moon slices
- About 10 minutes before the salmon is done, start sauteeing the leeks by placing them in a pan with olive oil for 5-7 minutes on medium-high heat.
- The parsnips should be boiled. Put in food processor with 1tsp of the water and whizz until smooth (30 seconds to 1 minute).
- When everything is cooked, arrange on plate and eat!
I’d love to know if you would like to me to do more seasonal recipes for you. I had a lot of fun making this recipe but only want to make what YOU want to see 🙂 And if you try out this salmon dinner, definitely let me know what you think by commenting below or heading over to my Instagram and telling me there.
Honestly yours,
Thank you for all of your support! For more Honestly Fitness, check out my Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest and don’t forget to subscribe!
I LOVE parsnips and salmon! Now you’ve got me craving them both!!
So good, right?! Gotta love salmon and parsnips 🙂