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high fiber recipe

Friday Fare, Products I love, Recipes

Healthier Kodiak Cakes Banana Bread

December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas eve, my friends! I cannot believe another year is coming to a close, and what a year it has been. Personally, and professionally, 2018 was an amazing year for me. Inevitably, as the holidays approach and the days wind down, an irresistible urge to bake and create comes over me (and particularly for banana bread!). I’m not sure if it’s because of the extra time on my hands or the urge to create something new to take into the new year with me, but whatever it is, I’m appreciative of it.

Let me introduce you to my newest (and one of my best) creations – a healthier Kodiak Cakes Banana Bread with Chocolate Chips!

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Health, Products I love, Recipes

18 Yummy and Healthy Toppings For GG Crackers

November 18, 2018

You’ve probably seen me posting about GG crackers on my Instagram and wondered what the deal was with them. Well, it’s all got to do with the F-Factor diet which I’ve been following for over 6-months now. It’s really more of a lifestyle than a diet at this point. At it’s heart, the F-Factor lifestyle is about eating foods rich in fiber. And this is where GG crackers come in.

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