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salt lake city health blogger

Fitness, Salt Lake City

9th & 9th Pilates Review

June 27, 2015

 Since my first foray into Pilates reformer over a year ago, I have been hooked ever since. Although I do not go often since it is not the cheapest of workout classes, I love having a Pilates studio I trust nearby so that I can go every now and again. Well, I think I found my regular Pilates spot in Salt Lake City! Here is my 9th & 9th pilates review (now called Maven Strong as of September 29th, 2017).

9th and 9th Pilates Review

9th & 9th Pilates Review salt lake city

I was actually recommended 9th and 9th Pilates by Kaitlyn Rhoades, the owner of OnPointe Training in San Francisco, so I had high expectations even before I went. It was easy enough to find (it is literally on 9th and 9th street) and the exterior is gorgeous. The interior is equally as gorgeous; everything you would expect from a Pilates studio. Continue Reading…

Fitness, Health, Salt Lake City

The Realization that Excuses are Worthless

June 23, 2015

I have been feeling very proud of myself lately. For the past 2 weeks, I have been waking up at 6am on weekdays, at least twice a week, and going to the gym to workout. I recently started a full-time job which means that the only time I can workout is before 8:30am or after 5pm. Since the gym is PACKED in the late afternoons and evenings, this really only left the mornings as a viable option.

Realizing that your excuses are worthless

excuses worthless

Let me just clarify; I am not saying that excuses aren’t valid, I am just saying that there is no point making excuse after excuse to avoid something that is hard (but not impossible) to do. At first, I really resisted the idea of waking up at 6am to workout. I haven’t had to wake up regularly at 6am in years! The first day of forcing myself to just get up and go was seriously hard. It is not easy to wake up that early, but you know what? Sometimes, you just gotta do what you gotta do. And you can make things easier for yourself as well. I will put my gym clothes out the night before and make sure all my meals for the previous day are ready, so that all I need to concentrate on in the mornings is to get to the gym, workout, come home, shower and go to work. Continue Reading…

About Me, Health, Salt Lake City, Travel

Hello Salt Lake City

May 25, 2015

I’m now officially a Salt Lake City fitness blogger! I will explain, but first, let me say that the past 2 weeks for me have been even more hectic than usual and I apologize for the lack of posts! This past week, I received my master’s degree (at AT&T Park!!), celebrated my 23rd birthday and moved to Salt Lake City. On Friday, to celebrate both my birthday and graduation, I went to Mourad with my husband and his family. Mourad is an incredible Moroccan restaurant with a Californian twist and blew us all away. I had high expectations but I honestly did not expect it to be as amazing as it was. The food was beautifully presented and the flavors were out of this world. 

Wine Champagne

Mourad (4 of 7)

 We ordered about 5 appetizers and shared lamb ‘Moroccan family style’. And of course, no celebration is complete without wine and champagne!

Mourad (2 of 7)

 Now that I am in Salt Lake City, I am in the middle of unpacking/getting settled/general madness. I haven’t worked out properly for a week so I cannot wait to get into the gym again. I also indulged heavily last week, so at some point (I am thinking Wednesday) I will be embarking on  the #oneperfectweek challenge which some of my #BBG sisters did. I like doing little challenges like this when I feel like I need a jumpstart back into a healthy eating routine. As you all know, diets do not work and adopting healthy eating as a lifestyle is absolutely the way forward. But sometimes we can derail and we all have our ways of getting back on track. 

Wish me luck as I begin the job search and settling into a new city! I am really excited for what awaits me as a SAlt Lake City fitness blogger and can’t wait to update you on my new life here. If any of you know of any good healthy food spots or good fitness studios, then please let me know 🙂

Honestly yours,

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