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Blogs I love, Fitness, Health, Sunday Summary

Sunday Summary: Kayla Itsines Week 2

March 9, 2014

Hello lovely readers!

I am feeling much more positive after my last week of being low and negative. I have now completed week 2 of Kayla Itsine’s bikini body guide AND I am so happy to say that I have completed the 6 week intermediate to advanced yoga program from Do Yoga With Me!

So what can I say about this? Well first off, I am not a master advanced yogi at all, but I noticed a significant amount of progress during the past 6 weeks. And for those of you who do yoga regularly (or even those who don’t) you will know that 6 weeks is not a long time at all. Most master yogis have been practicing for years … yeeeeears!! I have been on and off practicing yoga for about 8 years but this is the only time I have ever been regular and consistent with it. And it shows! For those of you who follow me on Instagram will know that very occasionally I will post photo’s of me in certain yoga poses, and the most recent photo I posted has shown how I have become much more flexible in comparison to the one I took a few weeks ago.

Kayla Itsines Week 2 BBG

Kayla Itsines Week 2

In terms of the bikini body guide I am embarassed to say that I have already screwed up a little .. I did the workout you were supposed to do for weeks 1 and 3, but for week 1 & 2 … oops! Oh well, hehe, I suppose I will just have to do the workouts for weeks 2 & 4, on weeks 3 & 4. It is still too early on to notice anything, although I feel as if my abs have become stronger because I am not flailing about quite as much as I was last week when I would do the sit ups!!

Apart from that, not much else is new to be quite honest! I have been swamped with work, but I have still been doing some cooking and baking to come up with new things I can feature on Friday Fare. I recently made a delicious and slightly tweaked version of Kitchen Treaty’s Vanilla Lime Green Smoothie, and it was absolutely delicious. I subbed the vanilla yogurt for vanilla protein powder and added in some of my homemade toffee sauce instead of honey. I recommend you have a look at Kitchen Treaty, as I am sure it will give you some inspiration for meals, desserts, and more.

green smoothie that fits into Kayla Itsines HELP Guide

green smoothie that fits into Kayla Itsines HELP Guide

That’s all from me for now! I think I am gonna go and make my healthy ice cream recipe now … mmmm

easy 3 ingredient healthy ice cream with toffee sauce

How have your weeks been? Let me know in the comments below 🙂

Honestly yours,

Fitness, Sunday Summary

Sunday Summary

February 23, 2014

This has been another of those weeks that have just flown by! Do you guys ever get that? I accredit that feeling primarily to the fact that I am busy 24/7 with my MA work …

I was also invited to Santa Cruz this weekend by my sorority sister to go to their semi-formal (I am an alumn of Kappa Kappa Gamma). It was great to see my friends and to visit Santa Cruz for a little while, plus Santa Cruz has such good food! Have any of you ever been?

Fitness wise, my upper body strength has definitely improved. With the assistance of a resistance band, I am now able to do 6 chin ups! And 1 pull up … baby steps people, baby steps. I am also planning to start Kayla Itsine’s 12 week training program called the ‘Bikini Body Guide’. She is the inspiration for my chin up and pull up challenge actually!

KI training ebook

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Kayla, here’s a quick summary about this amazing lady. She is a personal trainer based in Australia who specifically focuses on helping women achieve a bikini body; toned arms and legs, shapely butt, and a flat and toned stomach. She became famous after posting photos of her own amazing bikini body, and several client transformations on her instagram account (who all start to achieve the same coveted look). She has a very realistic and no nonsense attitude which is so refreshing to see, no endorsements of silly products and quick fixes, just good old fashioned exercise and eating right!! I am really excited to give her program a go and to see how it helps my own problem area’s. Let me know if any of you have tried it, or are interested in trying it!

Food wise, I went out to an amazing Japanese place in Lodi (California) called Komachi Sushi with my boyfriend and our friends this Saturday. The food was fantastic, and they had some really original options such as Japanese nachos, seasoned edamame, and Japanese pizza! The photos below are of the Japanese style nachos with salmon, and my entree of broiled squid. If any of you are in the Central Valley or live nearby, I certainly recommend you try them out. My Japanese friend has described them as the ‘best Japanese food in the Valley!’

image (3)

image (2)

That’s it from my end! For next weeks Friday Fare I am planning an infused goody for you all .. betcha can’t guess what it is 😉 And I will also be telling you all about an amazing new food blog I found as well, so stay tuned!

Honestly yours,

Blogs I love, Fitness, Health

Sunday Summary

February 9, 2014

Well, this weekend was incredibly slooooow which was in direct contrast to my very busy and hectic week. I really should’ve expected this (I am a grad student after all) but after having that month long holiday it was just a big reality check for me.

To deal with the weekday hectic-ness that is now my life, I have had to start making meal preps at the very start of the week. During the holidays I was kinda lazy and was like, eh I don’t need to meal prep because I have all the time in the world. Hah, that was nice while it lasted … last Monday morning I made a huge pot of beef chili with chickpeas and plenty of fresh veggie which was basically lunch for the entire week which was awesome. This week I am planning on making a huge pot of Thai chicken curry 🙂

My yoga program has been going well and I am so happy to say that I am getting much more flexible. And my arm strength has improved too!!!! I two sets of 6 negative chin ups now, which is a huge accomplishment for me. I incorporated a variety of resistance band and cable machine moves this week to challenge my upper body from the usual weights and machines. I haven’t been able to go to the gym at the same time as any of my friends, so sorry I cannot show you photos of any of the moves I did.


Okay onto a more serious topic now .. have any of you heard of the 80:10:10 diet? I heard about it a while ago, but I recently came across an article on that talked about the dangers of it. Fiterazzi is fast becoming a favorite new health and fitness website of mine because unlike other websites that just talk about ‘losing 10 pounds fast’, they talk about issues tend not to get talked about, or which are hard to talk about. I recommend you check them out and the specific article I am talking about. I would love to know your thoughts about the diet, and whether you know anyone who is attempting it.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Honestly yours,