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Fitness, Health, Kayla Itsines, Products I love

The Kayla Movement

January 2, 2015

Happy New Year lovelies! I hope you all had your fill of holiday foods and indulgences and are ready to transition back into a healthier style of eating and living with The Kayla Movement. I know I am!

Fit and Healthy for 2015

For those of you who read Honestly Fitness regularly, you know that I am an avid fan of Kayla Itsines workouts (for those of you who have no idea who she is, click here). She announced on her Instagram that on Monday 5th January, 2015,  she and anyone else who wants to join will be restarting her Bikini Body Training Guide (BBTG or BBG) and creating the biggest worldwide team ever. So exciting, right?!

The Kayla Movement

I think this is a fantastic way to start the new year and to pave the path for a healthy lifestyle (or add a challenge if you already have a healthy lifestyle). Not only do you get 12 weeks worth of workouts (and an additional 12 weeks if you choose to continue on with her bikini body training guide 2.0, and a healthy eating guide, you will also get access to an amazing support group! The girls on Instagram who do Kayla Itsines’ workouts and follow her eating guide are some of the nicest girls you will ever meet. I posted a progress photo on Instagram and was so sure I would get mean comments but quite the contrary. Everyone has been so lovely and encouraging, which only makes me want to participate more and encourage other girls who have been brave enough to post their progress photos. You can find me on Instagram by clicking here.

How to join The Kayla Movement

If you want to join in The Kayla Movement, all you have to do is start her BBG 1.0 on January 5th. Whenever you upload a photo or discuss your progress on social media, simply hashtag it with #kaylaitsines #kaylasarmy #thekaylamovement and don’t forget to tag @kaylaitsines (and me too hehe, but not mandatory @honestlyfitness). Also, don’t forget to join the ‘KI BBG’ group on Facebook if you would like a support group on Facebook.

How to buy the guides

If you haven’t got Kayla Itsines’ workout guides and healthy eating guides yet, click on the photo below to purchase it (disclaimer: this is an affiliate link and I will get some compensation which helps me run Honestly Fitness!)

The Kayla Movement

If you want the app, check out my review of Kayla’s ‘Sweat with Kayla’ app first by clicking here.

Who’s with me? Comment below with your goal for 2015 and your Instagram name so we can follow each other on this 24 week journey together. If any of you live in San Francisco or Salt Lake City, then let me know. Would love for us to be able to workout together 🙂

For an example of a healthy meal plan based off of Kayla’s HELP guide which I will be following, click here. For more healthy food options, click here for healthy breakfast’s, lunches, dinners, smoothies and baked goods! And finally, here’s a review of Leah Itsine’s ‘Eat with Leah’ cookbook.

Honestly yours,

Thank you for always supporting me! For more Honestly Fitness, check out my InstagramFacebookTwitter & Pinterest.

About Me, Fitness, Health

2014: A Year in Review

December 31, 2014

Wow, what a year it has been! I started Honestly Fitness in January and it has been such a whirlwind of a time since then.

I started Honestly Fitness because my friends were constantly asking me about topics related to health and fitness, so I thought it would be easier to create a blog where I could answer all of their questions. I was really scared and nervous to create Honestly Fitness; I wondered who would even bother to read my posts and whether the blog would actually help others or not. 

I have been so pleased at how much Honestly Fitness has grown and at the support I have received on the blog. Honestly Fitness still has a long way to go however, and I have a lot of plans and ideas that I hope will be realized for the blog in 2015. And please let me know if you have any thoughts on how Honestly Fitness can be improved and if you want me to write a post about something. I cater Honestly Fitness to YOU!

Alright, let’s take a lot at what my top 5 most successful blog posts for 2014 have been: 

Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide Review
Kayla Itsines Interview
Sunday Summary
Cardio: How do I know what to choose?
40 Easy Meal Ideas

My top 5 most viewed Friday Fare Recipes:

Healthified Ice-Cream with Toffee Sauce
Fudge Grain-Free Brownies
Healthy Blueberry Coconut Muffins
Overnight Kombucha Chia Oats with Matcha Green Tea Yogurt
Dark Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies

Thank you again for all of your support. It hasn’t been easy to juggle having a blog along with my master’s program and a part-time job, but you all truly make it worthwhile. I love being able to help others, to reveal the facts and to make being healthy and fit a lifestyle. I hope you all have a fabulous New Year’s Eve and Happy New Year!

Happy New Year

What are your New Year’s resolutions?

Mine are to successfully finish my MA and to graduate this May, to find a job after graduation, to continue growing Honestly Fitness and writing helpful and meaningful posts, to maintain my healthy lifestyle, to complete both Kayla Itsines eBooks 1.0 & 2.0 and lastly, to cherish and nurture the relationships I have with my friends and family.

Honestly yours,

Health, Healthy on the cheap

Healthy on the cheap

December 26, 2014

Since my mission is all about keeping it real, I realize that a very real concern for most of you is money. The majority of us do not have the luxury to spend lots of money on organic foods, supplements and fancy juices (think Whole Foods). I am right there with you because even though I definitely do splurge on the occasional food product, I am very conscious of how much I am spending and I am always looking for cheap and healthy options

Healthy on the cheap

I know this is probably the last thing you want to think about during the holiday season, but use this post as a way to plan your healthy lifestyle in 2015. Pin this post on Pinterest, or share it with friends on Facebook as a reminder 🙂

I made a little graphic with some of my favorite foods that are cheap and healthy options, with explanations of why I have chosen this particular food. Before we move on to that, let me just share some tips on ensuring you are able to stay healthy on a budget.

1. Invest in a long-term gym membership

Gyms usually give better deals if you sign up with them for a year or more, and what better way to invest in your health! Try looking for good gym deals around holidays, as many of them do special offers then.

2. Buy in bulk

A lot of supermarkets (in the US at least) have bulk bins where you can stock up on healthy options such as rolled oats and brown rice for much cheaper than if you bought them packaged.

3. Stock up on canned food

Not all processed foods are created equal! I seriously have a problem with this term as it seems to evoke images of ‘evil’ and ‘bad’ foods. But did you know that distilled water is technically processed? Okay, rant aside, stocking up on canned foods such as beans and tins of vegetables (my fave is artichoke hearts) are a cheap and healthy option.

4. Buy small amounts, but frequently

If you can (because I know you are busy people), try and buy smaller amounts of groceries but go more frequently. I have found that this has help me cut down on waste and only buy what I really need. Needless to say, there are still times where my lovely fresh vegetables go bad!!

[Tweet “Healthy is a lifestyle! Cheap and healthy ways to stay fit during the new year #honestlyfitness”]

Cheap and Healthy Food Options

Alright, now that you have that advice to bear in mind, here is a handy dandy graphic of cheap and healthy food options that I personally eat all the time. Also, click here and here for some cheap and easy to make recipes!

 Food options that help you be Healthy on the Cheap

1. High Fiber Crackers: I love these babies! They are a great source of complex carbohydrates and fiber. Pair with some healthy fats to keep you full for hours.
2. Rolled Oats: A great and cheap option. Can be used in so many recipes for breakfast and dessert.
3. Frozen Tilapia Fillets: Seafood can definitely get expensive, which is why choosing frozen fish is a great option. This allows you to eat it whenever you want without fear of it going bad. Oh, and frozen fish is just as healthy and much cheaper than fresh fish.
4. Salad Leaves: Salad leaves are a cheap and easy way to get in loads of veggies; think wraps, simple green salads, sandwiches and etc. My personal favorite are spring mix 🙂
5. Canned Chickpeas: Chickpeas are SO cheap! 1 can is around $1-2 and is a great source of vegetarian protein and fiber. Such a fun addition to pastas, stews and stir-fries.
6. Cauliflower: Cauliflower is in season, and not only is it cheap but it can be used in so many ways. Try roasting it with some olive oil, salt and pepper or make it into a soup or making cauliflower hash.
7. Eggs: The ultimate cheap food in my opinion, eggs are delicious and healthy for you. They are low in carbs and high in protein. Try having some poached for breakfast, on some high fiber crackers and avocado.

What did you think? If you guys liked this post, then please let me know. Should I make a series of ‘healthy on the cheap’? I only want to make posts that are helpful and useful for you. And please do share this post with others if you find it helpful. Thanks for your continued support of Honestly Fitness 🙂

Do you find it hard to be healthy on the cheap? What do you find hardest?

Honestly yours,

Thank you for always supporting me! For more Honestly Fitness, check out my InstagramFacebookTwitter & Pinterest.