First things first: the Kayla Itsines discount. [DISCOUNT EXPIRED FEBRUARY 28th, 2015] <— UPDATE
For any newcomers you do not know who Kayla Itsines is, click here to read an interview I did with her. She is the mastermind behind a fantastic program called the ‘Bikini Body Guide’ (click here for my review) which I am currently following.
Kayla has been kind enough to give me a 10% discount to any of her guides which I want to share with you all! To get the discount code, all you have to do is subscribe to Honestly Fitness and you will receive the exclusive code in an email the following day. Remember to check for a confirmation email and check your junk mailbox in case it ends up there. You will NOT receive the email with the code otherwise.
If you do not receive the email within 24 hours, email me at and I will send you the 10% discount code myself. This is a great deal as Kayla does not give these out often, and gives you the chance to see for yourself why I and so many others swear by Kayla’s workout and nutrition guides. The graphic below will take you to her website where you can buy her guides (they are EBOOKS).
An Update
I am so sorry for the lack of posts! This is my final semester and it has been killing me, plus I have some other personal issues to deal with (like taxes haha). I have so many ideas in my head, but it may take me a while to translate them into a blog post. I am proud of myself for sharing my perfect four ingredient pancake recipe with you all before life got too crazy. You should try them!!!
I am continuing to do Kayla Itsines bikini body guide and restarted with millions of girls around the world for The Kayla Movement. It has been quite exhilarating to redo the program (my third time!) with so many others and it has helped kept me motivated. I think I plateaued during the first four weeks so I consulted with some of my dear BBG friends and decided to be a little more strict with my food intake and to use heavier weights during the workouts. Fingers crossed this will help me yield the results I am after!
I also took the plunge and bought Kayla’s foam roller (which you can find on her website) because I have received questions regarding whether it is worth buying or not. I will be able to tell you all what I think in a few weeks once I have received it and tested it out.
How are all of you? How have your exercise routines been going and how are things like nutrition wise for you?
Honestly yours,
Thank you for always supporting me! For more Honestly Fitness, check out my Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest.
Although this post contains affiliate links, it is because I personally believe in Kayla’s guides and believe you will benefit from them 🙂
Hey, I’ve recently come across you’re blog and Kayla’s bbg challenge. I’m seriously considering buying it but I was just wondering one thing and you seem to be the right person to ask. You’ve shown pics of you’re bbd book but it says it’s a eBook to download. Did you print it by yourself or how did you get it? Have I missed something here??:) Grateful for answers 😀
Hi Tintin,
Sorry for any confusion! Kayla’s guides are eBooks and are sent to your email in PDF format. I wanted something I could carry around, so I got the BBTG printed out and bound (only the relevant pages).
Hope this helps and clears things up 🙂 x
Hi… so I just started the kayla itsines program and i’m on my third week and I could do with some advice. I’ve yet to see any changes particularly around the ab area and I guess that’s got me a little demotivated. When did u start to see definition in your abs? Another thing I’ve noticed that I get real nauseous and dizzy when I do the exercises and it makes finishing up the routine really hard. I used to do a bit of blogilates before this and power walk five times a week but I still feel like the exercise is a bad burn rather than a beautiful pain. Any tips on how to cure that. For the most part I’m a healthy eater, my only
weakness being cheese. So i’m not sure of how to clear my diet anymore :/
Hi Kim,
Bear in mind that 3 weeks really is not much time at all, and that most people won’t see changes until at least 8 weeks. I started seeing changes after 8 weeks although I still don’t have the definition I want (need to be tighter with my diet).
Are you eating enough? The only things I can think of that might be making you dizzy are a lack of the correct foods and dehydration. Make sure you are eating enough and drinking enough water 🙂
Haha cheese is delicious, but at least Kayla finds a way to help keep cheese as part of a healthy diet! I know that my biggest weakness diet wise is my annoying tendency to pick at foods. I eat very healthily but some days I overeat by having a few extra snacks, like dates, handful of popcorn etc etc. Pay attention to portion sizes, don’t graze and you should be fine.
Be patient and trust the process! Change takes time x
Is this code still usable? Please and thank you!
Hi Micah,
Unfortunately the code expired February 28th 🙁 If you subscribe you will be the first to know if Kayla issues another discount code in the future x
Hi Alice,
I already have two foam rollers (one flat surface, one trigger point) and was using the free foam roller guide by Ashley Borden on her website (also the Ashley Borden foam roller video on youtube). I was wondering if Kayla’s foam roller guide was very different, and also what you think about her foam roller?
Kim (@silentlyfreefit)
Hi Kim,
Kayla’s foam roller is not different at all and it is very similar to other trigger point foam rollers. I only had a flat surface foam roller which is why I purchased it … and the fact that it is pink is sooo cute hehe.
Hope this helps you!
Alice x