Fitness, Products I love

My 12-week experience using Progress Pure’s Curve Guide

April 5, 2016

If you follow along on my Instagram (click here to check it out), you will know that for the past 12 weeks, I have been following a new workout guide; the Progress Pure Curve Guide by Molly (aka @progresspure). I’ve lost over 6% bodyfat and I’ve gained lean muscle and toned up. Without futher ado, here is my Progress Pure Curve Guide Review – read on to see my transformation photo and get my thoughts on the whole experience. Continue Reading…


Stop doing crunches: How to actually get abs

April 3, 2016
how to get abs compound exercises

While I’m no personal trainer, I’ve done enough research and talked to enough people to know that you are not going to get abs from doing crunches alone. Despite hundreds of articles which state that you cannot spot reduce, women (and men) continue to an unnecessary amount of ab exercises in the quest for perfect abs. I’m here to tell you how to actually get abs.  Continue Reading…