Fitness, Health, Products I love

A Healthier Strawberries and Cream with Zing

September 2, 2015

As most of you know, or have seen from social media, I have a big sweet tooth. More often than not, I will indulge in small amounts of sweet treats. However, I have been indulging a bit too often recently and I really needed to cut down on the amount of indulgences I was having. Cue a slightly sad Alice who immediately starting thinking of ways I could have something sweet that wouldn’t affect my current fitness and fat loss goals.

Born Sweet™® Zing™ Zero Calorie Stevia Sweetener

Want to know what’s AmaZING? The moment you find a perfect sweet taste without a funny aftertaste, and zero calories! Enter, Zing™ Zero Calorie Stevia Sweetener which as the name states is a zero calorie stevia sweetener. I am not normally one to use low or zero calorie sweeteners as they often have a really bizarre aftertaste but true to their statement, Zing™ did not have that funny taste aftertaste – finally! Continue Reading…


#BeHonestlyFit – Renae Boemecke

August 22, 2015

I am so excited to present the first part of my Be Honestly Fit series with Renae Boemecke!

What is Be Honestly Fit?

The ‘Be Honestly Fit’ series was created to help inspire and motivate women all over the world. It is to show them that being fit and healthy is not rocket science, and that anyone can live a healthy and active lifestyle. One size does not fit all, and the Be Honestly Fit series explores how women of all different shapes and sizes have transformed their lives for the better.

Now that you know what the Be Honestly Fit series is all about, let’s meet Renae! Continue Reading…

Fitness, Products I love

Summer Workout Essentials

August 1, 2015

I’ve had my trusty pair of Asics for almost a year now, and although I love them, I thought it was about time I got a new pair. Plus, it gave me a good excuse to update my entire ‘gym wardrobe’! I find it so funny that I am so much more interested in buying workout clothes than ‘normal’ clothes. Is anyone else like that? Anyway, my workout clothes splurge gave me the inspiration to do a post on workout clothes essentials and splurges.

Summer Workout Essentials

Summer Workout Essentials Continue Reading…