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salt lake city health and fitness blogger

Friday Fare, Health, Products I love, Salt Lake City

SunBasket: Healthy Cooking Made Easy

August 7, 2016

Surprisingly enough, I have been finding it harder to prioritize making healthy meals with a full-time job than when I was doing my master’s degree and had a part-time job. I think the reason for this is because now that I work 8 hours a day, there are no breaks in between where I can go home, make food or workout. I have a pretty strict routine of waking up at 6am (sometimes earlier) to workout, getting ready for work, going to work and coming home. The last thing I want to do after such a long day is making food and meal prepping (and I keep forgetting to on Sunday lol).

Read on to see how I make healthy eating work with a hectic work schedule and how you can get 3 free meals (so you can eat healthy despite your busy schedule too). Continue Reading…

Fitness, Products I love

Summer Workout Essentials

August 1, 2015

I’ve had my trusty pair of Asics for almost a year now, and although I love them, I thought it was about time I got a new pair. Plus, it gave me a good excuse to update my entire ‘gym wardrobe’! I find it so funny that I am so much more interested in buying workout clothes than ‘normal’ clothes. Is anyone else like that? Anyway, my workout clothes splurge gave me the inspiration to do a post on workout clothes essentials and splurges.

Summer Workout Essentials

Summer Workout Essentials Continue Reading…

Fitness, Salt Lake City

The Bar Method Salt Lake City

July 26, 2015

A few months ago, I was chatting to a friend and discussing what type of workouts we were doing. She told me that she had started going to The Bar Method quite a lot, and that she loved it. “Alice, it burns but it’s awesome and you’ll fall in love with it.”  – umm, with a statement like that, who wouldn’t give it a try! When I lived in San Francisco, I had heard about The Bar Method but never got to do a workout there. I did some research and found that there was a Bar Method studio in Salt Lake City, lucky me! 

The Bar Method Salt Lake City

The Bar Method (1 of 1)

The Bar Method Salt Lake City is located in Sugarhouse with it’s own parking lot, which is really convenient given how busy Sugarhouse can get. The main class offered at The Bar Method is called ‘Mixed Methods’ and is offered at a variety of different times during the day. I went along to one of Braden’s Mixed Methods class at 6pm; I was so excited, I would finally get to see what all the hype was about and experience it for myself! Continue Reading…